108 Roosevelt Ave.
Maddock, ND 58348
Maddock, ND 58348
The Grand Prairie Inn & Apartments was renovated in 2015 & 2016 reviving a historical building to the Maddock, ND area. Look through the History page for more information on the facinating history of the building. Personal accounts from people who have lived in the building are appreciated!
The building consists of 3 hotel (overnight rooms) and now 4 apartments. There are 2 one-bedroom apartments, a two-bedroom apartment, and a newly renovated attic/open concept apartment.
Note: the rates for the Inn are now $70 per night. This includes tax.
The Inn is owned and operated by Grand Prairie Inn & Apartments, LLC. Kory and Colette Boehmer-owners/operators.
Boarder blocks around the building